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What are the Benefits of Eliquis?

Thursday 3 June 2021
4 minute(s) read

Table of Contents

I. Eliquis (apixaban) Overview

II. Benefits of Eliquis

a. Blood Clot Prevention

b. Treating DVT & Pulmonary Embolism

c. Improved Convenience

d. Low Major Bleeding Risk

e. Fewer Interactions

f. Generic Eliquis Available

III. Taking Eliquis Properly

Eliquis (apixaban) Overview

Eliquis is the brand name of the medication apixaban, used to reduce the risk of blood clot formation and associated health conditions. Eliquis (apixaban) is an anticoagulant that works by selectively blocking the effects of the enzyme factor Xa. This enzyme is integral to the blood clotting process. The blood is less likely to clot when factor Xa is inhibited. [1]

Blood clots can block blood flow in the affected area and cause heart attack, stroke, pulmonary embolism (PE), kidney failure, and pregnancy problems. Blood clots are responsible for nearly 100,000 preventable deaths in the U.S. every year. Due to this staggering statistic, it is important to know if you are at risk of blood clots and if Eliquis is right for you. You may be at risk for a blood clot if you:

  • Are pregnant
  • Have cancer, cirrhosis, or congestive heart failure
  • Have atrial fibrillation
  • Have a chronic inflammatory disease
  • Are unable to walk
  • Are over 60 years old
  • Smoke
  • Are obese
  • Are unable to walk
  • Sit for long periods

a bed and a lamp

Eliquis is a newer blood thinner and can be expensive. The good news is that online Canadian pharmacies like Canada Drug Warehouse source anticoagulants from countries where the generic versions are approved, so you can buy discount Eliquis and apixaban (generic) from Canada Drug Warehouse and save money and time. Read on to learn more about the benefits of Eliquis. [2]

Benefits of Eliquis

a. Blood Clot Prevention

One of the main uses for Eliquis is blood clot prevention. Your risk of developing blood clots depends on many factors, such as the ones mentioned above. While this guideline can give you an idea of your risk level, it is important to have your doctor properly assess your risk.

Certain conditions, such as nonvalvular atrial fibrillation, can increase your risk of blood clot formation. Deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) is also likely to occur, especially after a knee or hip replacement surgery. Even though blood thinners do not decrease your risk of blood clots to zero, taking Eliquis significantly increases your chance of preventing a clotting event. [3]

b. Treating DVT & Pulmonary Embolism

In addition to preventing blood clots, Eliquis is also indicated for treating deep-vein thrombosis (blood clots in the deep veins) and pulmonary embolism (blood clots in the lungs). Taking Eliquis can also reduce your risk of DVT and PE from reoccurring.

taking blood at a clinic

DVT and PE are related conditions. DVTs commonly affect the deep veins in the legs. When a blood clot in the legs breaks off, it can travel to the lungs and cause complications. A pulmonary embolism will likely cause symptoms like an irregular heartbeat, low blood pressure, and sudden shortness of breath. Eliquis is typically taken for a six-month period to treat deep-vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, but the treatment period will vary from patient to patient. [4]

c. Improved Convenience

A major benefit of Eliquis over other popular blood thinners is that it does not require frequent blood tests. [1] Eliquis is a newer anticoagulant, so it is much more convenient. Older blood thinners like warfarin may require blood tests every few days when you first start treatment. Later on, taking warfarin requires regular blood tests up to once every two weeks to ensure your blood clots at the right rate. [5] With Eliquis, you will not be subjected to regular testing.

d. Low Major Bleeding Risk

Like all blood thinners, Eliquis may increase the risk of excessive bleeding because it reduces your body’s clotting ability. However, Eliquis has a low risk of major bleeding. Another benefit of Eliquis is that it has an FDA-approved antidote called andexanet alfa that can be used for the urgent reversal of the effects of Eliquis. During a life-threatening bleeding event, this antidote can be used to recover your body’s clotting ability to stop the excessive bleeding. [6]

e. Fewer Interactions

When you are prescribed a blood thinner, your doctor will likely review medications, supplements, foods, and beverages you must avoid. Drug and food interactions can reduce the efficacy of Eliquis and increase the risk of additional side effects. For example, aspirin, amlodipine, and amiodarone are common drugs that are known to interact with Eliquis. Compared to warfarin and several other types of blood thinners, Eliquis has fewer interactions, giving you more dietary freedom. [7]

grapefruit slices

f. Generic Eliquis Available

Eliquis is the brand name of apixaban and buying the brand-name version can often be a financial burden. Brand-name versions of drugs are typically more expensive because they are protected by patents so competitors cannot drive down the price. The good news is that generic Eliquis is available through Canada Drug Warehouse. By buying the generic version from an online Canadian pharmacy, you can get the blood thinner you need for cheap.

Taking Eliquis Properly

Blood thinners must be taken properly because they affect how your blood functions, which affects your entire well-being. Common side effects of apixaban include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, anemia, and minor bleeding. [1] The potential complications of a blood clot mean the benefits of Eliquis often outweigh its risks. If you are prescribed Eliquis, ask your doctor about ways to properly take this effective anticoagulant. 

The content in this article is intended for informational purposes only. This website does not provide medical advice. In all circumstances, you should always seek the advice of your physician and/or other qualified health professionals(s) for drug, medical condition, or treatment advice. The content provided on this website is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.